breakfast of champions
JoinedPosts by breakfast of champions
Does anybody know what the "special broadcast" to all the Kingdom Halls (canada) is about on march 22?
by hoser inheard about it today just not sure if i should go
breakfast of champions
"You Canadians think plaid is funny. . . . . Well I think it's disgusting." - Tony Morris III -
Advice needed on Crisis of Conscience
by cappytan inso, some of you may have seen my thread from yesterday about my wife waking up.. we had further discussion yesterday evening after i sent her the pbs video on the abuse scandals plaguing the watchtower.
she was so furious and pissed off at wt hq.
apparently a close relative of her's was abused by an elder and the only reason he was reproved and removed as an elder was because he confessed.
breakfast of champions
I think you should give her the PDF, and just say Here it is for whenever you're ready.
Honestly, COC didn't send me into a tailspin at all. I found everything perfectly consonant with my experience as a JW (but then again I was raised in a "Bethel congregation").
Although my wife has not read the entire book, what she did read rang true with her experience as well.
I guess what I'm saying is that you don't know how individuals will react to reading anything.
All COC did for my wife and me is confirm exactly what we had surmised on our own.
Ayn Rand - Opinions?
by cappytan infor those of you familiar with ayn rand and her ideas on morality, rationality and reason, what is your opinion of those ideas?.
i'm talking about her actual ideas, not the ideals that libertarianism has adopted and, in some cases, perverted.
do you think she's a charlatan?
breakfast of champions
I've heard Rand described as a self-absorbed bitch. . .. .
But then again I've heard that Russell (Bertrand - not C.T.!) was a self-absorbed bastard.
I honestly have no hard opinion on this.
CO has been coming to my door. Would like 1 or 2 solid and easy arguments.
by The Laser Viking ini am 6th generation.
i have been out for a few years.. back story on the situation:.
i had a co come by while going door-to-door in the neighborhood.
breakfast of champions
Solid easy argument 1): Please leave my property now.
Solid easy argument 2): Please leave my property now and do not come back.
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
breakfast of champions
So here is the response, which basically says their department is not directly responsible for who gets tables. As long as a religious group is registered with the Office of Student Involvement (basically registers all religious groups at the university), they can reserve a table.
However, this person did cc the Director of Student Involvement and I am anticipating a response. If not, I will contact the DSI personally.
So that's where we're at. . . . . .
Hello ******* ,
Thank you for your email and sharing your concerns with me. Jehovah's Witnesses Campus Ministry is an affiliated congregation registered with the Department of Student Life/Office of Student Involvement. Affiliated Congregations are permitted to schedule contact tables.
This is our link about Religious Life on campus: ************* which will give you more details.
I have also copied *******, our Director of Student Involvement.
I hope this helps clarify why Jehovah's Witnesses had a table reserved at ******* Campus.
Let me know if you need additional information.
Best Regards,
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
breakfast of champions
For anyone interested, the email I actually sent (specifics blacked-out, of course):Subject: Jehovah's Witness Recruiting Table at ******* Student CenterDear *******,I am currently a non-traditional (I'm 44 years old) full-time student at ******* here in *******. When I graduated high school about 27 years ago, I unfortunately made the decision not to go to college. Why?Being raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I was repeatedly warned by church leaders and church-produced literature that college was an "extremely dangerous" place for young Jehovah's Witnesses, and that my "everlasting salvation" would be imperiled should I decide to go to college. So instead of pursuing higher education after high school, I became a "pioneer," essentially a full-time recruiter for Jehovah's Witnesses.About five years ago, however, I "awakened" to the fact that I had been raised in a cult, and that I needed to get an education and get on with my life. So here I am at ******* pursuing that goal.
In light of my background, I hope you can imagine my dismay upon seeing Jehovah's Witness recruiters set up at a table in the ******* Student Center on Tuesday, February 17. My honest belief is that the purpose of this activity is not to educate interested ones in the Bible, but to target young people (who have not yet honed their critical thinking skills) for recruitment into their high-control organization.
I implore you to view this program just released in January 2015 by Jehovah's Witnesses on their "TV" website. It highlights their stance against higher education and is presented by Jehovahs Witness Governing Body member Anthony Morris III:
Further information about Jehovah's Witnesses' anti-college message can be found here:
Assuming it is ultimately your decision as to what groups may or may not set up tables at ******* student centers, I wanted you to be aware of the true nature of this particular group so as to make an informed choice.
PS: Not having formally withdrawn my membership from the Jehovah's Witness organization as I am under threat of losing all of my family and friends, I am not using my full name or school email address for anonymity's sake. Feel free to email me back if you have any questions. -
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
breakfast of champions
Message sent!
Thanks for the feedback everyone. I made just a few minor adjustments befor sending it off. I would like to respond to everyone individually, but I've got a ton of homework.
GRREAT TEACHER- Grrrrreat minds must think alike! I was thinking of asking if they were all students at the university (the are quite obviously not). Then I would mention that all other religions that have booths or tables (Muslims, Jews, Catholics) are manned by UNIVERSITY STUDENTS. Why arent there any JW students manning their table?
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
breakfast of champions
SIMON - about half of my OP spontaneously disappeared in the last 15 minutes and I had to re-cut and paste it back in. What the heck is going on? -
JW Table at My Student Center Today, My Response
by breakfast of champions inthey're baaaack!!!
jws "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months.
i wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
breakfast of champions
They're baaaack!!!
JWs "tabling" at my student center again, first time in over six months. I wonder if the fact it's been 15 degrees out had anything to do with it?
Anyway I composed an email to the director and assistant director of the department which allows vendors, students and other organizations to have "table time" at the University student centers.
I've always appreciated your feedback on matters, so have a look at the letter and tell me what you think before I send it:
Jehovah's Witness table at ******* Student Center
Dear ******,I am currently a non-traditional (I'm 45) full-time student at ***** here in *******. When I graduated high school about 27 years ago, I unfortunately made the decision not to go to college. Why? Being raised as a Jehovah's Witness, I was repeatedly warned by church leaders and church-produced literature that college was an "extremely dangerous" place for young Witnesses, and that my "everlasting salvation" would be imperiled should I decide to go to college. So instead of pursuing higher education after high school, I became a "pioneer," essentially a full-time recruiter for Jehovah's Witnesses.
About five years ago, however, I "awakened" to the fact that I had been raised in a cult, and that I needed to get an education and get on with my life. So here I am at ***** pursuing that goal.
In light of my background, I hope you can imagine my dismay upon seeing Jehovah's Witness recruiters set up at a table at the ******** Student Center on Tuesday, February 17. My honest belief is that the purpose of this activity is not to educate interested ones in the Bible, but to target young people who have not yet honed their critical thinking skills for recruitment into their high-control organization.
I implore you to view this program just released in January 2015 by Jehovah's Witnesses on their "TV" website. It reveals their stance against higher education and is presented by Jehovahs Witnesses Governing Body member Anthony Morris III:
Further information about Jehovah's Witnesses' anti-college stance can be found here:
As I assume it is ultimately your decision as to what groups may or may not set up tables at ***** student centers, I wanted you to be aware of the true nature of this particular group so as to make an informed choice.
PS: as I have not formally withdrawn my membership from this organization for fear of losing all of my family and friends, I am not using my name or school email address for anonymity's sake. Feel free to email me back if you have any questions. -
Tower of Babel—unlikely to be a true account!
by abiather inwhen his children want to construct a tower that reaches to the heavens, heavenly father is unlikely to respond, saying: nothing they plan to do will be impossible for them.
come, let us go down and confuse their language so they will not understand each other.
(gen 11:6, 7).
breakfast of champions
The variety of languages on earth has as much to do with the Tower of Babel as thunderstorms have to do with Zeus getting angry.